Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Marriage Procession Passing Through a Street English Essay

December 13, 2017

A Marriage Procession Passing Through a Street - English Essay

To watch a marriage procession passing through a street, is one of the wonderful sights one can hope to see in a city. As soon as the word spreads that such a procession is arriving, the street is all astir. Children leave their play and women their household jobs in order to get as complete a view of it a possible. Shopkeepers forget their business for a few minutes and passerby stand on the sides of the roads to let the procession pass. A jolly atmosphere is created in moments and everybody waits for the procession to arrive so that he may welcome it.

When the procession enters at one end of the street, noise of fire crackers draws a crowd of men from every direction, it consists of people of all types d and young, clad in all kinds of dresses, The relatives of the bridegroom wear new, costly clothes. The procession is headed by a band party in their uniform, some holding drums, others bag pipes and still others, flutes. The bandmaster gives them instructions and makes them play the tunes of similar songs. Sometimes, the band party is preceded or followed by a small group of happy young boys who express their joy by dancing along the way.

After every few minutes, a near relative of the bridge groom takes a handful of coins out of a bag and losses them in the air. The coins, fall down on the ground with a jingling’ sound and beggar-children and others contend’ to get them. As the procession reaches the middle of the street, house tops on each side are filled with men women and children who look at it joy fully.

In this rally the bridegroom can he easily distinguished. He is either riding an adorned’ horse or being driven in a motorcar bedecked with flowers he himself s covered with flowers, or ‘Sehra’. But this is when the procession is going to the bridal house. If it is returning from the bridal house, the bride also accompanies it. She is seated in a Doll’ or a car.

The procession continues to march on until it comes to the other end of the street. As the sound of the music produced by the band gradually fades away the street is cleared once again. The traffic begins to move as before. People begin to descend from housetops, and attend to their business. The routine activity of life starts again after, a brief suspension.

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